Specialty Pharmacy Patient Education


Promoting Patient Adherence and Behavior Change Through Educational Video Content

OptumRx Specialty Pharmacy is a patient-centric pharmacy with a focus on partnering with patients throughout their treatments. Optum chose to use the SmartStory video engagement platform with the goal of improving patient engagement and medication adherence through educational video journeys specific to the patient’s condition.

My Role
Step 1

Mapping the journey

I gathered information about the patient experience from pharmacists and stakeholders and mapped the patient journey, identifying high value moments to insert educational content. I then collaborated with the content team to design an educational journey.
Step 2

Developing the User Experience

I designed the end-to-end patient experience including shipping box flyers to promote opt-in, email communications introducing the program, and the web-environment where patients would view the educational content.
Step 3


After testing the experience with patients, our team knew we needed to find ways to improve opt-in and user engagement. As a result, we added the ability for patients to opt-in via SMS and I designed a mobile friendly web experience to accommodate patients who were engaging with the content on a mobile device. I also incorporated a like button and short survey to collect patient feedback.
Step 4


  • Patients in the test program were adherent an additional 103 days compared to patients not enrolled in the program.
  • Patients enrolled in the test patient program were significantly more persistent at 270 days of therapy versus patients that were not enrolled.
  • 85.2% of patients said they would recommend this program.
Additional days of adherence
Persistent days of therapy